Tuesday, December 9, 2008

How to add a sign up box to your web site

To create a website visitor signup box when using Constant Contact follow the steps below.

Note: This is an advanced topic and requires previous HTML knowledge.
Log into Constant Contact.

If you don’t have an account you can try if free for 60 days. Click here

Go to My Settings > Site Visitor Signup.

Click the "Start Wizard to generate HTML code" link under Step 1.
Select a form, button, or text link style. To view all of your style options at once, click the "Preview All Styles" link.

Customize the text, font, and colors to match your website. If applicable, you can select from image options as well. Please note that the options available to you depend on which signup box style you select in the previous step.

Email the HTML code to yourself and save for future reference.

To add the site signup box to your website, copy and paste the code into your page source and upload it to the web.

If you are NOT familiar with HTML or do not have access to your web domain, forward the signup box code to your Webmaster and ask him or her to add the code for you. Or call Sorrell Associates & Newsletterville.com for help.

The site visitor signup box is designed specifically for websites and not for email communications. As a result of this, the HTML code you generate does not work in the Advanced Editor.
If you paste it into the email creation wizard, it will not appear as it did when previewed in the signup box wizard.

Email addresses entered into the signup box must be in xxx@yyy.zzz format and no more than 80 characters. Special characters such as ( ) < > [ ] , ; : \ etc. are generally not allowed. Similarly, non-ASCII characters such as € † ‡ ™ etc. are prohibited. This is the only level of verification for invalid email addresses currently in place.

Need help getting your marketing up and running? Contact us today.
In our next Blog post I will discuss: How will my email campaign display in my contacts' different email programs?

Got Newsletter? Need Help?
Take a look at some of our clients recent newsletters.
Go to: http://www.newsletterville.com/page2.html

Also, you will find over 10 Free Newsletter Templates to use for your newsletters.
Free templates can be found at:

Call or e-mail if you have any questions.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Gary 740-824-4842 ~ Gary@newsletterville.com

PS - sign up for our Free Newsletter and receive 3 Free Special Reports...Instantly. Click here.
Free Special Reports
Free Report 1- 4 Time Saving E-Mail Tips.htm
Free Report 2- Do’s & Don’ts For E-Mail Subject Lines
Free Report 3- How To Encourage Visitors To Your Web Site
Plus an added report on the CanSpam law.

PSS – we have boiler plate newsletter templates too. Includes content, formatting, graphics, and layout. For the do it yourself style newsletter.
Go to: http://www.newsletterville.com/boilerplate_newsletters.htm